Australian capital wants 100% renewables - Photon Energy is part of it

The government of the Australian Capital Territory(ACT) has announced its plans to reach 100 per cent renewableenergy by 2025. Photon Energy is contributing to this effort.

The ACT has already commissioned three wind farmstotaling 200MW and three solar farms totaling 44MW that will takeit to 60 per cent renewables by 2017, including rooftop solar. Withour rooftop solar installations in Fyshwick and Symonston we havealready added pieces to the puzzle and we are starting constructionon a further 347 kWp of rooftop solar in the ACT very soon.

A further 200MW of wind capacity and 50MW of nextgeneration solar capacity (with storage) will take the ACT to90 per cent by 2020.

Read more about the ACT's plans atREnewEconomy.


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