Investor Relations


Analytic assessments of the Photon Energy N.V. share.



Photon Energy N.V. updates the analysts’ overview on a regular basis. Photon Energy N.V. makes no guarantee and accepts no liability for the completeness or accuracy of the information provided. The ratings shown here merely reflect the opinions of the financial institutions or analysts mentioned therein. Photon Energy N.V. accepts no responsibility for the ratings and cannot be made liable or forced to issue any warranty for the same. We recommend that interested parties obtain research reports directly from the respective analysts or from their employers.



Institution Analyst Phone Email
MWB Research Dr. Oliver Wojahn +49 40 309 293 55
IPOPEMA Robert Maj +48 22 236 92 90
mBank Kamil Kliszcz +48 22 438 24 02
Noble Securities Michał Sztabler +48 22 244 13 03
WOOD & Company Ondrej Slama +420 222 096 484



Institution Rating Target Price* Date
MWB Research Speculative Buy EUR 2.50       PLN 10.78         CZK 63 21.08.2024
IPOPEMA Buy EUR 4.38        PLN 18.91        CZK 111 14.12.2022
mBank Hold EUR 1.64        PLN 7.06       CZK 41 04.09.2024
Noble Securities Sell EUR 1.69        PLN 7.28        CZK 43 28.06.2024
WOOD & Company Buy EUR 4.03        PLN 17.22        CZK 101 30.06.2023
Consensus   EUR 2.85      PLN 12.25     CZK 72  

 *Prices in bold stated by research reports; other currencies included for reference.

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