November 2017: Focus on water management, new O&M contracts, 30% electricity production outperformance

Photon Energy published its monthly investor report for November2017. The power plants in the company's proprietary portfolioproduced on average nearly 31% more energy than expected. Thecompany reported signing of two new full maintenance contracts inthe Czech Republic, driving the total O&M portfolio up to 216MWp globally. 

Photon Energy also highlighted itsstrategic expansion to water management as a parallel businessline, aiming to offer comprehensive container-based solutions foroff-grid systems worldwide. Water services and solutions will bemarketed via its brand “Photon Water”.

Download the monthly report here (pdf).

All our reports can be found onthe Reports page in our InvestorRelations section.


Anastasia Hotar
T  +420 775 861 732

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