Photon Energy is developing a 155 MWp PV plant in Australia

Global solar power solutions provider Photon EnergyNV has announced details on a further large-scale solar power plantunder development in Australia. The 155 MWp project in Gunnedah,New South Wales, is part of the previously announced 1 GWpdevelopment pipeline. The project is being co-developed with alocal joint venture partner.

Through its 51%-owned project company Photon EnergyAUS SPV 7 Pty Ltd. the company has secured options on approximately205 ha of land and is progressing with the New South Walesgovernment State Significant Development process. Photon Energy hasalso signed a grid connection process agreement with Transgrid, theoperator of the major high voltage transmission network in NewSouth Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, for the design ofa substation for approximately 150 MW AC to be connected toTransgrid’s 330 KV network.

Photon Energy expects to complete the projectdevelopment process to the ready-to-build stage and to commenceconstruction in 2019. Once connected, the Gunnedah project isestimated to produce 279 GWh of clean energy each year,contributing significantly to Australia’s Renewable EnergyTarget.

The Gunnedah project is being co-developed with alocal joint venture partner owning the remaining 49% of the projectcompany. The project is part of a previously announced 1 GWpproject pipeline, for which Photon Energy has mandated advisoryfirm Pottinger to advise on the raising of development capital.

Today’s announcement of the Gunnedah projectprovides our investors with more clarity on our extensiveproprietary project development efforts in Australia and increasesthe volume of location-specified projects to 512 MWp”,commented Michael Gartner, Managing Director of PhotonEnergy Australia.


Jan Krcmar
T   +420 773 032 182

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