Photon Energy Makes Debut on the Regulated Markets of the Warsaw and Prague Stock Exchanges

  • Prior to its listing on the regulated markets, Photon Energy’s shares were traded on the NewConnect and Free Market, the unregulated segments of the Warsaw and Prague Stock Exchange, respectively.
  • The Company anticipates the listings will help stimulate trading liquidity and diversify the Company’s investor base. The listings do not involve any issuance of new shares.
  • The Company’s shares will continue to be traded on both stock exchanges under the ticker symbol ‘PEN’.

Amsterdam – 5 January 2021 – Photon Energy NV (WSE&PSE: PEN) (‘Photon Energy’ or the ‘Company’), an Amsterdam-based renewable energy company providing solar energy and water treatment solutions around the world is pleased to announce the listing of its common shares for trading on the regulated markets of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) (Giełda Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie) and Prague Stock Exchange (PSE) (Burza cenných papírů Praha) under the ticker symbol ‘PEN’ and ISIN code NL0010391108.

‘We are thrilled to have our shares listed on the regulated markets of the Warsaw and Prague Stock Exchanges,’ commented Georg Hotar, CEO of Photon Energy. ‘Moving to the main markets is an essential step towards improving trading liquidity and providing a platform for institutional investors to participate in the world’s transition to renewable energy and the development of clean water solutions. With a 12-year track record in our industry, we are excited to continue on our trajectory of dynamic growth within the renewable energy space, with our new water services business line and as an organization.’

The Warsaw Stock Exchange is the largest securities exchange in Central and Eastern Europe and organises trading on one of the fastest growing capital markets in Europe. The Prague Stock Exchange is the largest and oldest organiser of the securities market in the Czech Republic.

The admission to listing and trading of its shares on these regulated markets follows the recent approval of the Company’s securities prospectus by the Dutch regulator Autoriteit Financiële Markten, allowing for the transfer of shares from the unregulated stock markets NewConnect (WSE) and Free Market (PSE). The listings do not involve any issuance of new shares.

Photon Energy anticipates that both listings will help stimulate trading liquidity and diversify its investor base by providing an opportunity to invest in the Company to institutional and retail investors across Europe. 


About Photon Energy Group

Photon Energy N.V. is a group of companies providing solar energy and water treatment solutions to their customers around the world. Since its foundation in 2008, Photon Energy has built and commissioned over 100 MWp of solar power plants across two continents and 74.7 MWp as part of our own portfolio. It is currently developing projects with 594.6 MWp in Australia (580 MWp in partnership with Canadian Solar), 96.6 MWp in Hungary, 4.6 MWp in Poland and 97.4 MWp in Romania, and provides operations and maintenance services for over 300 MWp worldwide. In addition to that, the company is at an advanced stage of building two utility-scale PV power plants with a combined capacity of 14 MWp in Australia. The Company’s subsidiary Photon Water focuses on developing and providing clean water and remediation solutions and services around the world. Photon Energy is headquartered in Amsterdam and listed at the Warsaw, Prague and Munich Stock Exchanges. The company has offices in Europe, Australia, and South America.


For more information, please contact:  

Martin Kysly

Head of Marketing and Corporate Communications
Tel. +420 774 810 670

Photon Energy NV debut on the Main Market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange

Photon Energy NV debut on the Main Market of the Warsaw Stock Exchange

<p>Watch the virtual debut ceremony at GWP, hosted represented by Piort Borowski, Member of the Management Board of Warsaw stock exchange and Georg Hotar, CEO, Photon Energy and Clemens Wohlmuth, CFO, Photon Energy.</p>

Bell ringing ceremony at Prague Stock Exchange


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