Photon Energy strengthens team in Romania

Photon Energy has strengthened its ranks bywelcoming Lauru Badita as Country Manager Operations andMaintenance for Romania. Lauru Badita has over 15 years ofexperience in business development including renewable energysector and will spearhead the expansion of Photon Energy’s O&Mportfolio in Romania.

Lauru Badita worked on more than 200 MW ofrenewable energy projects, including the 20 MWp Targu-Carbunesti PVproject. In the past he also set up the “Security electronicinter-banking payments system” managed by Transfond, the NationalBank of Romania and 45 other banks.

Lauru has been advising Photon Energy onthe Romanian market, where the company currently provides O&Mservices to 11 MWp, and has now joined the team as Country Manager.He will roll-out Photon Energy’s lifecycle solar power solutions,including the state-of-the-art PV monitoring and control system“PECOM”.


Jan Krcmar
T   +420 773 032 182

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