Photon Energy signs O&M contracts for 8 MWp in Italy

3 minutes read

Photon Energy Operations is expanding its O&M business inItaly by taking over service contracts for 8 power plants of 1 MWpeach in the Abruzzo region. Along with the existing contractsPhoton Energy Operations’ O&M services portfolio has now grownto more than 73 MWp worldwide.

Photon Energy Operations is expanding its operations andmaintenance business in Italy by signing service contracts foreight ground-mount power plants of roughly 1 MWp each. The plantsare located in the Abruzzo region of Central Italy. The company nowservices ten PV plants in Italy totaling 9.3 MWp, two of which areowned by its sister company Photon Energy Investments.

“This step is a further milestone in the geographicaldiversification of our Operations and Maintenance business”,comments Photon Energy Group CEO GeorgHotar. “By undertaking more service contracts in Italywe have truly established ourselves as an international O&Mprovider”, Hotar added. Photon EnergyOperations now services a total of 119 small to large-scale powerplants in six countries on two continents representing more than 73MWp of installed capacity.

“We approach each power plant differently, as eachgeographical location brings different challenges which have to betackled”, remarks Georg Hotar. In the Abruzzoregion the proximity to the Mediterranean Sea leads to increasederosion risk for modules due to increased salt content in the air.On the other hand the region is ideal for photovoltaics thanks toits high irradiation with abundant sunshine even in wintermonths.

“As with any other long-term investment it is vital to havePV-power plants running at full capacity,” says PhotonEnergy Group CEO Georg Hotar. Neglecting preventiveO&M can cause outages or damage resulting in expensive repairsand downtime. Photon Energy Operations’ integrated service approachhelps PV plants achieve their full revenue potential. “Ownersof PV power plants operate in the ‘Sweet spot’ of the solarindustry, where it is vital to invest in professional O&M toget the most out of their investments”, Hotarconcludes.


Jan Krcmar
T   +420 773 032 182

Photon Energy Operations provides fully integrated monitoring andO&M services for PV power plants in Germany, Italy, CentralEurope, and a growing number of other countries. The companycurrently has over 50 MWp under management and its power plantsoperate almost entirely with an uptime above 99%, thanks to itsadvanced monitoring and management system. Photon Energy Operationsalso offers revenue enhancement services, uptime & performanceguarantees and comprehensive insurance solutions. The company ispart of Photon Energy Group, a global solar power solutions andservices company based in the Netherlands.
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